Žižkov Tour


This tour will move through the vibrant streets, sampling drinks from establisments such as a typical family-run Czech restaurant, a funky hipster bar, and an art deco club which has hosted bands such as The Strokes, Dead Kennedy’s, and Apollo 440.

Number of people

Do you want to explore the Prague neighborhood with the highest number of bars per meter square?

Our Žižkov tour will show you one of Prague’s oldest neighborhoods.

It was formally known as ‘Red Žižkov’ as a stronghold of the Communist Party. Today it’s buzzing with students, artists, and musicians, a world away from the hustle and bustle of the Old Town.

More than 300 bars dot the neighborhood’s two square miles – the highest per capita concentration of bars in any district in Europe. Žižkov is a melting pot of the old Czech character and a cosmopolitan blend of artists, anarchists, poets, and everyday people.

This tour will move through the vibrant streets.

You will be sampling drinks from establishments such as a typical family-run Czech restaurant, a funky hipster bar, and an art deco club that has hosted bands such as The Strokes, Dead Kennedy’s, and Apollo 440.

Coming on tour with us is like spending an evening with a friend.

You will come away from this experience with a basic knowledge of life in the Czech Republic. Our guide will tell you fascinating stories from the Czech past that illustrate the struggle through Communism and revolution into the modern day.

At the end of our tour, our guide will stay with you to answer any questions and call a taxi to get you home safely.

On our Žižkov tour you receive:

-four large beers from four different alternative bars,

-one top-shelf cocktail,

-marinated hermelin cheese with caraway bread

-entrance to art deco night club

-free taxi home for all guests

Tour duration: 6 hours

Time of meeting: 18:00

Price: 1 750 CZK / 70 EUR / 76 USD / 60 GBP ***

-Prices in other currencies than CZK may be slightly different, depending on the current exchange rate

If you decide to book both of our tours, you will receive a 15% discount on the second one.

The meeting place is in front of the Palladium shopping center (footlocker store) at 18:00 Our guide will contact you before the tour commences so you will know who to look for.

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